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Squash Section - Committee Meetings

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Minutes AGM on Sunday, 6th October 2001

1. Present Tony Arthur, Alison Chinn, Danielle Chinn, Richard Chinn, Errol Ferris, Karen Ferris, Jimmy Harrison, Russ Harrison, Neil Healey, Graham Hemming, Clare Heneghan, Frances Heneghan, Paul Heneghan, Gill Hooper, Wayne Hooper, Brian Ireland, John Lomas, Ros Porter, Samantha Porter, Steve Porter, Victoria Porter, David Preedy, Ben Salcedo, Pete Scully, Granthan Speake, Marina Thorneywork, Neil Thorneywork, Christina Todd
2. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting These were approved.
3. Matters Arising There will be a squash supper in the new year - probably late January.
4. Annual Report Brian read out the Squash Section Report which he had prepared for the AGM
5. Chairman's Address John Lomas thanked Brian Ireland for all his hard work during the year and initiated the election of officers
6. Election of Officers Captain: Brian Ireland, proposed by Richard Chinn, seconded by David Preedy, elected unanimously

The following officers were elected unanimously:
Vice Captain: Errol Ferris
Secretary: Paul Heneghan
Ladies Captain: Lorna Robinson
Fixtures Secretary: Tony Arthur

7. Committee Members

Neil Healey proposed and Russ Harrison seconded that team captains are automatically committee members.

Errol Ferris proposed and Brian Ireland seconded that Steve Porter be elected onto the committee.

Brian Ireland proposed and Errol Ferris seconded that Karen Ferris be elected onto the committee.

The list of committee members now consists of:
Captain: Brian Ireland
Vice Captain: Errol Ferris
Secretary: Paul Heneghan
Ladies Captain: Lorna Robinson
Fixtures Secretary: Tony Arthur
Brett Green
Martin Kiff
Pete Scully
Rob Fitzmaurice
Jonathan Bomford
Karen Ferris
Steve Porter

8. Any Other Business

Errol Ferris identified that contributions were needed from all members, not just the usual few.

ERC Squash Section is qualified for the bronze award from England Squash.  To qualify for the silver award, we would need to progress our junior section.

There are now 15-20 juniors regularly attending the Saturday sessions.  Special thanks to Neil Thorneywork for helping out.

Jimmy Harrison and Mike Francis are making contacts with some of the squash players at the leisure centre with the aim of attracting them to the Rowing Club.

©Copyright 2000 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 10 May 2005 22:59