This page contains information about the squash section of the Evesham
Rowing Club.
Contact Details
Evesham Evesham Rowing Club
Abbey Road
WR11 4ST
Tel.: 01386 446131
Joining Information
Contact the squash captain (Richard
Avery - 01386 49513) for more information. You can download the
relevant documents (Microsoft Word format) here:
2006/7 Membership
Application Form
Renewal Notice
(In Internet Explorer, right click on the links and select 'Save Target As...'
to download them to your hard disk. In Netscape and other browsers, you're
on your own!)
Mission Statement
To encourage and assist people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to
develop their knowledge and enjoyment of the games of Squash and Racketball in a
congenial social atmosphere and within well maintained facilities.
Court Booking and General Information
- Squash bookings are for sessions of 45 minutes, as detailed in the Bookings Book, which is kept on the table in front of the Squash Section notice board.
- Courts may be booked by Full and Squash members by entering their name (legibly) in the Bookings Book for the session required. Advance bookings may be made up to four weeks ahead.
- Lights are turned on by placing valid membership cards in the Multimeter (immediately to the left of the main entrance of the Club), in accordance with the instructions adjacent to it.
- Light fees, payable at the Multimeter are 10p per session. In addition, Guest fees (for non Full or squash members) of
£2.00 are payable. Visitors are welcome.
- Sessions are governed by the Multimeter clock, which overrules all other clocks, even if wrong.
- Members may not book courts for their own use in other members’ names, including those of members of their own family.
- Courts booked in advance must be cancelled if not required, so that other members may use them.
- It is fraudulent to avoid payment of Guest fees by use of another member’s card.
- Courts which are not occupied 10 minutes after the start of any session are available for use by other members, notwithstanding that they may have been booked. Late arrival may thus result in forfeiture.
- Under no circumstances may the courts be used for any purpose other than for playing Squash or Racketball, in accordance with the rules of those games, and with appropriate equipment and balls.
- Players using the Squash courts do so at their own risk.
- Free visiting membership is available to SRA Individual members on payment of the usual Guest fees.
- Guests may not use the squash courts more than three times in any year.
- Light keys are held by the Captain, Vice-Captain, Hon. Secretary, and Team Captains. They may only be used for Team Matches, Club Competitions, bona fide Coaching sessions, and when playing potential new members other than personal guests. Key holders are required to surrender keys to their successor on leaving office.
Leagues and Competitions
- There are Open and Ladies’ ladders for players of the appropriate standard, and
open mixed ladder leagues for players of all standards. Details are posted on the Squash notice board.
- Club competitions are held regularly. These include Ladies’ & Open Club
Championships, Open
Handicap, Restricted (non team players),
Doubles competitions and Racketball. Details are
on the tournaments pages on the website and also posted on the Squash notice board.
- The Club enters Men’s and Ladies’ teams in the Worcestershire County League, and mixed Veterans teams (men over 45, ladies over 40) in the Gloucestershire Veterans League. Anyone interested in Team squash should contact the Squash Captain, Vice Captain, or Ladies Captain, who will introduce them to the appropriate Team captain.
- Club Night, for players of all levels, is held every Thursday evening from 7.30 pm. New members are particularly encouraged to participate.
- The Club has several qualified coaches. Details are available on the Squash notice board, or from the Captain and Vice Captain.
- The game of Racketball is governed by the Squash Rackets Association, and may be played at the Club by Full and Squash members.
- All players are graded in accordance with SRA Grading criteria.
- Only white-soled or non-marking shoes may be used on the courts.
Shoes that have been worn outside the club house may NOT be used on court as
they deposit mud on the floors.
- Players must wear appropriate clothing for the sport. There is no restriction on colours. Protective eyewear must be worn in Doubles play, and is recommended for use at all
times. The Club has protective eyewear available for the use of members free of
charge. It is kept in the locker in the Squash Gallery.
- Metal-framed rackets are not permitted. Racket head protectors are required on all graphite type rackets, and should be opaque, or covered by specialist tape, available from the Squash Captain and
Hon. Secretary free of charge.
- Players are requested to use black or blue balls, appropriate to their standard.
Green balls are discouraged as they mark the courts.
- Rackets and balls are available for use by beginners free of charge.
Good Practice
- Evesham Squash is committed to ensure that the talents and resources of all its members, coaches, volunteers and visitors are utilised to the full, and that no person receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, disability, marital status, religious belief, social class, colour, ethnic group, age or sexual orientation, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance. However, it reserves the right to limit certain competitions to persons of specific age, gender, ability or disability groups to provide opportunities for equal competition.
- Codes of Conduct covering Fair Play and
Coaching have been published by Evesham Squash,
and copies are available for reference in the Squash Gallery, and on the Club’s website.
It is also fully committed to the Club’s Child Protection
- Members’ attention is drawn to SRA Technical Sheets 13 SRA Safety Code for Squash Players and 14 Eye Protection for Squash Players, copies of which are available for reference in the Squash Gallery. Members are strongly advised to read these papers, and act in accordance with the advice contained in them.