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Squash Section Report - 4th October, 2001

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Squash Section Report to the Executive Committee
4th October 2001

The Handicap Competition and Plate are well under way, and the finals arranged for next Sunday evening, followed by the Section AGM and light refreshments in the Bar. Once again, Paul Heneghan has done an outstanding job not only in organising the matches, but also keeping the website updated with the match reports and results on a daily basis. We are grateful to the Rowing Section for donating surplus pots for use as prizes.

Team Captains have now been appointed as follows:
Ladies Team: Lorna Robinson
Men's' 1st Team: Brett Green
Men's' 2nd Team: Martin Kiff
Men's' 3rd Team: Pete Scully
Veterans A Team: Rob Fitzmaurice
Veterans B Team: Jonathan Bomford
Veterans C Team: Brian Ireland

Errol has now completed the rankings for the new season, with the help of the team captains. These include two new members, and a welcome return to Mike Francis after a long lay off after an injury.

The Junior Training sessions have started, with some 15 young people between the ages of 5 and 14 learning basic skills, coached by Errol with the help of Karen, Paul Heneghan, Neil Thorneywork, David Potter, and Pete Scully. It is most encouraging to see the enthusiasm of the youngsters, and we very much hope to expand the programme as the word gets round. The Saturday morning sessions are open both to members and non members. Young members of other Sections would be most welcome if the weather or other reasons prevent them from pursuing their own sports. All equipment, balls and lighting are provided free of charge by the Club, but there is a nominal fee to cover coaching costs and incidentals.

It is of vital importance to the future of Squash in the Club that this initiative succeeds in developing new players, as the average age is now well over 40, and this season a number of senior players have retired either through injury or age ! In the past year a number of rowers have experimented with squash with some success and enjoyment, and I would remind the Committee that members of all Sections are welcome to attend Thursday evening Club Nights as often as they wish. Rackets and balls are available for use by beginners.

There was recently a serious accident on Court 2, when a visitor broke an ankle. This highlighted the need for the First Aid box to be kept readily available, and complete, and I noted that the Accident Book, kept in the Bar, was inaccessible at the time. I am not sure that members generally are aware of the requirement for accidents to be recorded after administration of first aid etc. The Club should have a written procedure, prominently displayed, covering treatment, emergency services, notifications etc.

The broken floor board in Court 2 remains a serious cause for concern. I have asked Watson-Brook to make the necessary repairs, but am still awaiting both costings and a date. Fortunately the accident was not caused by the weak board. I have posted a warning informing players of the problem, recommending them not to use the court until it is repaired, and advising them that if they do so, it is at their own risk. John Johnson will be repairing the defective light in court 1 this week. His help is much appreciated.

Christina Todd-Jones will be catering for the 200 Club Supper on 20 October on behalf of the Squash Section. There will be light musical entertainment by Barbara Shaw, and the inevitable Quiz.

England Squash have recently introduced the England Squash Club Charter in place of the Club Accreditation Scheme. We shall shortly be applying for Bronze Accreditation, but would hope to upgrade to Silver within a year.

Brian Ireland
Squash Captain
3 October 2001

©Copyright 2003 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 10 May 2005 22:59