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Squash Section Meetings - 2003

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September    April    AGM 2003    Archived Minutes

Squash Section Meeting - 5th September, 2003


Errol Ferris, Brett Green, Paul Heneghan, Steve Porter, Ben Salcedo, Martyn Whiting.

  1. Squash Courts
  2. Competitions
  3. Club Events
  4. Christmas Dinner
  5. Ranking Lists
1. Squash Courts

John Lythe has carried out repairs to courts 1 and 2.

Court 2 had its front wall replastered, the side and rear walls cleaned, and the out-of-court line replaced.

Court 1 has had the lower half of the front wall replastered.  This has left a ridge underneath the tape on the cut line which apparently is ruining the game for a minority of perfectionist players (i.e. Brett).  We will get John Lythe to try to smooth out the ridge when he returns to repair the floors.  The contractors declined to clean the side and rear walls of this court, so a working party was organised by Tom Richardson and made a pretty good job of cleaning the left-hand wall.  More work parties will be organised to clean the remaining areas.

Action: Steve Porter, Errol Ferris

2. Competitions

The provisional September date for the Handicap Tournament was too soon, so we have moved it to the weekend of 20th to 23rd November.  It will follow the same format (Thursday to Sunday) as the Club Championship.  This means that both the quarter finals and the semi finals will be on Saturday (morning and evening), with the finals on Sunday evening followed by the usual drinks and nibbles.  Paul will organise the tournament and Martin volunteered to do some posters.

Action: Paul Heneghan, Martin Kiff

3. Club Events

Sports day - 20th September
Head of the River - 29th November

4. Christmas Dinner

In place of the usual Christmas Balti, we are going to go for an in-house affair this year.  The format is still to be decided, but we've picked a date - 18th December.  Perhaps Granthan might organise some music?

Action: Granthan Speake

5. Ranking Lists

These are the proposed rankings:

1st Team 2nd Team 3rd Team Ladies
Glenn Danks Tom Bomford Errol Ferris Lorna Robinson
Brett Greene Martyn Whiting Ian Stuart Frances Heneghan
Ben Bomford Russ Harrison Richard Chinn Anne Tomkins
Martin Kiff Gray Wilson Dave Potter Karen C?
Steve Dyke ? Ben Salcedo Karen F?
    Pete Scully Lisa Barlow
    Pete McFarlane Ros Porter
    Jimmy Harrison Alison Chinn
    John Lowe  
    Paul Heneghan  
    Granthan Speake  

The order can be changed at Christmas (based on challenges).

Paul Heneghan
Squash Secretary
20th September 2003

Squash Section Meeting - 9th April, 2003


Brett Green, Russ Harrison, Paul Heneghan, Martin Kiff, Steve Porter, Ben Salcedo, Granthan Speake, Lorna Thompson, Martyn Whiting.


Errol Ferris, Brian Ireland, John Lowe

  1. Squash Courts
  2. Competitions
  3. Regatta
  4. Squash Supper
  5. Ranking Lists
  6. Booking Sheets
  7. Date of Next Meeting
1. Squash Courts

At the AGM it was noted that there was defective lighting on two of the courts.  Steve Porter, Johnny Johnson and others hired some scaffolding a few weeks ago and put in the new fittings.

There are a few maintenance-type problems with the courts.  They include:

  • plaster missing on court 2
  • cracks and minor plaster problems on courts 1 and 3
  • door frame and some bricks loose on court 2
  • red lines on all courts need to be redone
  • all courts need to be cleaned (professionally)
  • floors - still major problems on all three courts

Steve is getting some quotes from some companies about the walls (plastering etc.).
Action: Steve Porter

We have had no response from the company that laid the floors - if there is still no response by the time of the next Executive Committee meeting, we will have to go down the unpleasant and time-consuming process of litigation.

While the lights were being replaced, it was noticed that the ceiling tiles were in a poor state.  They are the original fibreboard tiles - some are loose and all need repainting.  We will organise a work party to deal with them after the walls and floors have been dealt with.

We have decided to investigate maintenance contracts for the courts once they have been brought back to serviceable condition.

2. Competitions

The Club Championship is going ahead on Thursday to Sunday, 8th to 11th May.  It will mean that quarter finals AND the semi finals will be on Saturday (morning and evening), with the finals on Sunday evening followed by the usual drinks and nibbles.

We have set a date for the Handicap Tournament - 18th to 21st September.  It will follow the same format (Thursday to Sunday) as the Club Championship.  Paul will organise the tournament and Martin has volunteered to do some posters.
Action: Paul Heneghan, Martin Kiff

3. Regatta

We need volunteers to help out at the regatta on the 3rd and 4th of May.  Traditionally we have always done the barbecue, but help is needed in all other areas as well.
Action: All

4. Squash Supper

This is to be renamed the 'Squash End-of-Season Dinner'.  It will be held on Saturday, 14th June.  The format will probably be a dinner with a disco.  The price of tickets will be in the range £10 to £15.  Martin K. volunteered to contact Gray Wilson about the food and to do a poster.  Granthan and Ben volunteered to find someone to do the disco.
Action: Martin Kiff, Granthan Speake, Ben Salcedo

5. Ranking Lists

Various players have expressed concern about the accuracy of the ranking list and the lack of a formal procedure for altering the order.  It was decided to relaunch the ladder system with the aim of using it as the basis of the ranking list submitted for the winter leagues.  Martyn W. will send Paul the current ranking list as a starting point.  Paul will  relaunch the ladder at the end of the month - emails, a poster, rules (players may challenge up to 5 positions above) updated cards etc.
Action: Martyn Whiting, Paul Heneghan

6. Booking Sheets

There has a general consensus that there has been an increase in the incidence of courts being booked and not being used.  The first step is monitoring.  Could everyone make a note of any booked but unused courts and email details to Steve.  Hopefully a quite word with a couple of persistent offenders will sort out the problem.
Action: All

Players seem unaware of some possible cancelling procedures.  They include: ringing the bar staff (after 19:30), ringing the cleaners (before 12:30), ringing Steve Porter or Errol Ferris.  Paul will circulate information about this in an email.
Action: Paul Heneghan

We have also decided to experiment with a new booking rule.  The current system favours players who are at the club on Monday nights when the sheets get put in.  In the new system, Steve Porter will put sheets in the book up to four weeks ahead, but players may not book more than three weeks ahead - if they do, their bookings will be tippexed out!  We'll see how it works.
Action: Steve Porter

7. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 28th May at 1930.

Paul Heneghan
Squash Secretary
9th April 2003

AGM 2003

Not ready yet - awaiting report.



©Copyright 2004 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 10 May 2005 22:59