General Info.
Club Night
Club Locations
Squash Rules
Squash Section Report to the Executive Committee
7th February
Squash Social Event
We are planning to resurrect the Squash Supper in a new format on Saturday 27
April, following the Club Championship Finals. A Disco has been booked, and
(provisionally) a buffet supper is planned. During the evening, Gayle Kerrison
of England Squash will present our Bronze Club Charter Award, which we recently
discovered is the first such award in the country. Members of all sections will
be welcome.
Club Championships
The Open and Ladies Club Championship Tournaments, will take place over the
weekends commencing 6 April, with the Finals on the afternoon of 27 April. There
will also be an Open Plate competition, and, subject to interest levels,
possibly a Veterans Handicap tournament.
Squash Courts
We eventually received the Junckers Report on the Squash courts, and, as
anticipated, this varied significantly from the on site conclusions of their
Technical Sales representative. It subsequently transpired that these had been
discussed with Watson Brook, the court installers, and incorporated their facile
explanations for the deterioration in the courts. We subsequently sought the
help of England Squash, and Bill Pevy, their Technical Adviser has arranged a
site meeting on 14 February between the makers, the installers, England Squash
and ourselves, to establish the truth of the situation and determine what action
should now be taken. I am extremely unhappy at the apparent collusion between
Junckers and Watson Brook, but have been impressed with Bill Pevy's approach on
behalf of England Squash, and am optimistic that, with his backing, there should
be a satisfactory outcome.
We have recently suffered a spate of injuries, particularly amongst some of
our older players, and in our first and second teams. As a result, we have had
to withdraw our second team from competing in the second half of the season. We
hope that they will be permitted to take up their place in the 2nd Division next
season, when they are all fit again. There have been suggestions that there may
be some link between the injuries and the condition of the court floors, but
there is no firm evidence to substantiate this. There is no doubt however that
courts were very cold in December, due to the timing of the heating, the start
of which has now been brought forward.
Unfortunately, Steve Dyke suffered a recurrence of his back trouble whilst
representing Worcestershire County Veterans, but is now on the mend.
Our Club coach, Errol Ferris has recently been selected to take part in a
Level 3 Professional Squash Coaching course. The Club has also been allocated 4
places on an Assistant Coach course, to assist with the development of Juniors
and beginners. This will enhance the facilities of the Club, and help us towards
Silver Accreditation.
I have passed my general comments on subscriptions to the Chairman. However
in the context of Squash, I would remind members that England Squash is
introducing a new membership system from next June, based on squash playing
membership of affiliated clubs. This will involve a fee of up to £6 per member
being paid to England Squash, with a (not corresponding) reduction in
affiliation fees. We support the objectives of our governing body, and would
wish to participate in the new scheme from its inception. It will be necessary
for the Club to decide how to deal with the additional payments.
Squash Development
Errol & I have had a meeting with the West Midlands Development Officer
for England Squash, who told us that as a Bronze Accredited Club, we will be
getting priority support from England Squash in the promotion of the game,
particularly amongst young people. We discussed outline plans for two Open Days
for persons of all ages, and the provision of follow up coaching sessions, with
funding and equipment from the Awards for All Scheme. We have included heating
for court 3 within our plans, but at this stage, it seems doubtful whether this
would be approved. One of the conditions for grants under the Scheme is the
establishment of a formal constitution for the Junior Squash Club, and our first
draft is now under consideration by the interested parties. The draft makes it
clear that the Constitution and any changes to it are subject to final approval
by the Executive Committee, and that the Junior Squash Club is an integral part
of the Squash section of Evesham Rowing Club.
Brian Ireland
Squash Captain
31 January 2002