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Squash Section Report to the Executive Committee
6th December 2001
Squash Courts
Errol, Paul, Wayne and I have had a very useful meeting with Jill Hudson,
technical sales representative of Junckers Ltd, the squash court floor
manufacturers. At her request Wayne removed several boards to enable the
underlying battens and damp proof course to be examined and checks for excessive
dampness made. She found that the humidity levels throughout all courts were
within acceptable tolerances, but noted a number of major defects in the way the
floors were laid, and the apparent absence of a damp course. She is preparing a
customer complaint report, which we should receive next week, a copy of which
will be sent directly to Watson Brook, the installers. She indicated that she
was likely to recommend a further site meeting with Watson Brook, prior to their
relaying the floors correctly, at their own expense. Whether they will agree to
this remains to be seen !
There has been no further deterioration in the condition of the squash court
floors since my last Report, and some indications of contraction. Following the
meeting, we have suspended our plans for Wayne to trim the edge boards etc.,
pending a response from Watson Brook.
In considering the problem, and future maintenance of the courts, we have
noted that there is only limited heating of the courts, provided from the main
club system by two vents in the gallery behind court one, and two vents at the
back of court two. Court three has a single fan heater in the gallery which is
totally inadequate, and that court is always cold. Such heating as there is only
works when the club central heating system is in operation, and is unlikely to
keep court temperatures within the manufacturer's recommended temperature range.
We believe that delays in turning the heating on, and problems with it may have
contributed to increased humidity and the expansion of the floors, and will be
investigating the possibility of installing court heaters independent of other
club heating arrangements as a way of thermostatically maintaining temperature
and humidity at correct levels.
England Squash Affiliation Fees
Following discussion on this subject at the last meeting, Errol has spoken to
the Adrian Christy, England Squash National Development Officer, and we now have
a much clearer understanding of their proposals for changing the subscription
and affiliation structure. Whilst we still have some reservations, it is likely
that the Squash Committee will support the new scheme with effect from next
July. If we do so, we will have to inform all squash players of their individual
affiliation to England Squash. The Executive Committee will need to decide
whether the additional £6 per adult and £4 per junior will be borne by
individuals when their subscriptions are due for renewal in the following
October, or absorbed by the Club.
England Squash Charter Bronze Accreditation
We have submitted our application for England Squash Bronze Club
Accreditation, the first club in Worcestershire to do so. It is now being
considered by England Squash.
Junior Squash
Junior Squash continues to expand, and we presently have over 20 young people
playing regularly on Saturday mornings. We have met Gayle Kerrison, Regional
Squash Development Officer and been advised by her that a Junior Club would be
likely to qualify for an award of up to £5,000 under the Awards for All Scheme
We are now formalising the structure and organisation of our Junior Club to meet
Scheme requirements. This includes its own constitution (in a format recommended
by England Squash) and bank account. We intend to apply for funding for the
training of additional coaches, the provision of taster sessions for non
members, coaching and light fees, advertising and promotional costs, the
purchase of approved eye protectors and additional equipment, and possibly court
heating for court three, or a contribution towards the cost of it.
Bill Newman (Tennis Section) and I attended a meeting at Evesham High School
to learn about their plans to apply for Sports College Status, in partnership
with other local middle and secondary schools. I indicated that we would be
willing to discuss with them making the squash courts available for use by them
during the daytime, assisting with coaching, and the training of their own
staff. The development of minority sports is one of their objectives within the
scheme, and they appeared to be extremely interested in working together with
us. This would also fit in well with our plans for developing the Junior
Changing Rooms
We are grateful to Johnny Johnson and John Rose for redecorating the Mens'
changing rooms, and removing the old metal lockers.
We are having another Christmas Balti, on Thursday 20 December, this year
delivered to the Club to enable us to use the bar facility ! Following
discussions, and having regard to the already crowded Club social calendar, we
have decided to delay our planned Squash Supper/Disco to coincide with the Club
Championships, in April.
Brian Ireland
Squash Captain
6 December 2001