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 Squash Section Report - 4th January, 2001

General Info.
  Club Night
  Web Links

  Club Locations
  Squash Rules


The Squash Committee have decided to reintroduce Club Night, to enable beginners and improvers to meet with more experienced players. This may include introductory Racketball sessions. The first Club Night will be on Thursday, 11 January.

The Club Championships have been arranged for the last weekend in March, and first weekend in April, with the Finals on Sunday 8 April, followed by snacks in the bar. As in previous years, there will be Open and Ladies Championships, and a Plate Competition. It is hoped to reintroduce the Squash Supper, on a date to be determined.

It is also proposed to reintroduce the Restricted Tournament, for non team players. This will take place on the weekend 5/6 May. A Doubles Event is also planned, with the date yet to be arranged.

Most of the regular players have now been provisionally graded, consistent with recommended SRA levels. These are subject to review and confirmation, and we are planning to organize an Open Grading Event during 2001.

At 26 November, there were 82 Squash members (including 16 outstanding renewals); a further 44 Full members made use of the courts in 2000, a total of 126 Squash playing members.

Brian Ireland
Squash Captain
6 June 2001

©Copyright 2000 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 10 May 2005 22:59