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ERC Squash - Handicap Tournament 2003

2003 Handicap

  Main Schedule
  Plate Schedule


The dates for the tournament are as follows:


Thurs 20th November Round 1 -
Fri 21st  November Round 2 Round 2
Sat 22nd Nov a.m. 4 x Quarters Round 2
Sat 22nd Nov p.m. 2 x Semis 4 x Quarters
Sun 23rd Nov a.m. -2 x Semis
Sun 23rd Nov p.m. FinalsFinals

Due to time constraints, it is extremely unlikely that matches can be rescheduled.

If you are unable to turn up for one of your matches, please let your opponent AND the organisers know.

The handicapping will be worked out based partly on peoples' performance in the tournament last year and partly on their normal performance against their peers.

The entry fee is £3.00 to cover trophies etc.  Watch your names turn from red to blue after you have paid!

©Copyright 2003 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 18 November 2003 23:38