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ERC Squash Section - Club Championship 2004

2004 Club

  Men's Tourn.
  Ladies' Tourn.
  Men's Plate
  Ladies' Plate


As we are down to two match-condition courts this year, the Club Championship will take place over two weekends in June.  Dates are as follows:

17:15, Fri 4th Men's Round 1
10:00, Sat 5th Men's Plate Quarter Finals
10:00, Sun 6th Men's and Ladies' Quarter Finals
18:00, Fri 11th Men's, Ladies' and Plate Semi Finals
18:00, Sat 12th Men's, Ladies' and Plate Finals, 
Prize Giving & Nibbles

Matches (in particular, the later rounds) probably cannot be rescheduled.

The entry fee will be £3.00 to cover trophies etc.

Please, please, please come along and mark a few games, particularly if you are one of the higher-ranked team players.

To enter, put your name down on the form on the notice board at the club. Alternatively email me.

©Copyright 2004 by Paul Heneghan

Last modified: 02 June 2004 01:53